Do you believe that Donald Trump is a fascist? If so, then why? Donald Trump News

They have repeatedly referred to both legal and illegal immigrants as vermin.

They have attempted and stated that if elected, they would take direct control of the entire US military and use it against the American people and all those they consider their enemies.

They are extremely misogynistic.

They pretend to be religious and thereby attract the loyalty of others who pretend to be religious so intensely that they feel they are religious. Even if they do not follow the tenets of the religion they profess.

They act as though they are exempt from the law.

They are extremely criminal.

They incite their followers and outright call on them to commit violence against all who oppose or even question them.

They have no respect for facts or the truth.

He has consistently employed methods that violate the civil and constitutional rights of Americans in general and the rights of his opponents and those he considers his personal “enemies” in particular and has stated that he will continue to do so.

He has vowed to rule as a dictator.

He only respects and emulates dictators and mafia kingpins such as Vladimir Putin and Al Capone.

He has stolen millions of dollars from American taxpayers through the businesses he controls.

All of these actions and characteristics and many more are indications that he is a fascist.

Here is Dr. Lawrence Britt’s famous and long-standing list of 14 characteristics of fascism.

Is there a single one of these characteristics that Donald Trump does not exhibit?

  1. Powerful and persistent [i.e. [egocentric] nationalism
  2. Disdain for the recognition of human rights
  3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause
  4. Dominance of the military
  5. Unchecked gender discrimination
  6. Controlled mass media
  7. Obsession with national security
  8. Religion and government are intertwined
  9. Corporate power is protected
  10. Labor is suppressed
  11. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts
  12. Obsession with crime and punishment
  13. Unchecked nepotism and corruption
  14. Fraudulent elections: (Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.) A recent ruling by the far-right, indecisive, and highly political SCOTUS majority that Trump was able to hold allowed race-based gerrymandering for the purpose of undermining the political influence of specific (race, is one example.)